The Cult of the Dragon has amassed their forces once more to lay siege to the city of Neverwinter! Sharpen those blades and prepare to defend the city in the updated Siege of Neverwinter!
The Siege will begin Thursday, November 11 at 7:30am PT/10.30am ET/3.30pm GMT
The Siege will end Thursday, December 2 at 7:30am PT/10.30am ET/3.30pm GMT
There is much to be done if you want to save Neverwinter from utter destruction, these efforts include:
Cult Invasion - The Cult was lucky enough to exploit a crack in Neverwinter’s defenses and now they are attacking with everything they’ve got! Fortunately, the craftsman of Neverwinter have banded together in order to help rebuild the city’s barricades. Protect the workers to ensure their work gets finished and the Cult’s forces are pushed back!
Cult Warband - Cult Warriors prowl the battlefield, scouting the city's defenses and looking for soldiers to ambush. Defeat these bands of marauders to push back the besieging army.
Counter Attack - Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Charge into battle against the Cult of the Dragon and decimate their forces!
Cult Catapults - The Cult of the Dragon's siege engines are hurling boulders at Neverwinter to hammer down the walls and widen the breach. Destroy the Cult's Catapults to keep the city's walls standing.
Dragon Attack - The Cult of the Dragon believes that they have a few scaly aces up their purple sleeves: dragons. Unfortunately for them, the city of Neverwinter has you. Clash with the dragons outside the city walls and forge your legacy in blood and fire!
The Siege of Neverwinter has been converted to an appointment event. As such the old currencies associated with the event will no longer be awarded. For a limited time, Quartermaster Fornadar in Protector’s Enclave will still accept these currencies to purchase items from the original runs of Siege of Neverwinter. At the time of writing, it has not been confirmed if Stronghold Vouchers drop from enemies any longer. The Siege Profession has also been entirely removed, We have no confirmation yet on whether Siege Defense supplies will be able to be exchanged or not. We will update as we know more.
Stores & Rewards
Achievement Store
For completing the daily quest “Siege of Neverwinter” 14 times throughout the event duration you will acquire ONE token of achievement. This token can be used in the Achievement store.
Note: If you already obtained your Golden Warhorse mount, a new companion, the Windsoul Genasi has been added for Tokens of Achievement.

**You will have had to complete the minimum daily quest requirement for 5 Appointment Events in order to purchase the Golden Warhorse or Windsoul Genasi**
Challenge Store
For those who continue to fight beyond the 14-day minimum there is another set of rewards unique to this type of event. Every success beyond 14 will result in a Token of Challenge. These tokens can be used to acquire some great items including a new set of overload enchants.

Participation Store
Finally, for each day’s success a number of tokens called Token of Participation will be granted to the player up to 42 if all daily and bonus tasks are completed for each of the 21 days. The rewards offered here are not nearly as powerful as those offered for the other tokens but they are still quite enticing.

Event Rewards
For valiantly defending the city of Neverwinter, and continuing to fight on the siege battlefront with the mission “Breaking the Siege”, adventurers will be rewarded with a “Neverwinter Defender’s Pack” from which they can obtain various rewards from the old version of Siege.

Siegebreaker Griffon mount

Neverwinter Siegebreaker’s Charger - Increases mounted movement speed by 80%. Includes 1 Illuminated Insignia Slot and 2 Enlightened Insignia Slots.
Event Companions - Neverember Guard Archer and Battlefield Medic

Event Dye Packs - Veteran and Dragonslayer’s Dye Pack
The following rewards have a chance to drop when completing Siege of Neverwinter Heroic Encounters
Pristine Siegebreaker’s Battle Horn – lift your spirits with the sound of this battlehorn! A temporary version of this item can also drop.
Siegebreaker’s Banner – Rally the troops with this banner!
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