A few interesting changes are happening on #NWPC from today. Certain Items that were originally in the Zen Market are being moved into the Wondrous Bazaar, other outdated items are being removed altogether.
This weeks (Thurs 12th August) #NWPC Patch Notes (Version: NW.131.20210803b.6) notes these changes
Adventurer’s Head Start Bundle is no longer available in the Zen Market.
Adventurer’s Support Pack is no longer available in the Zen Market.
Avernus Hunt Key Bundle is no longer available in the Zen Market.
Change Physical Appearance tokens are no longer available in the Zen Market. It can now be found at the Wondrous Bazaar.
Character Loadouts are no longer available in the Zen Market. It can now be found at the Wondrous Bazaar.
Glory Boosters are no longer available in the Zen Market.
PvP Starter Pack is no longer available in the Zen Market, as its contents are outdated.
Rename Tokens are no longer available in the Zen Market. It can now be found at the Wondrous Bazaar.
New Costs (Astral Diamonds - Full price without VIP Discount)
Change Physical Appearance Token - 200,000 AD
Character Loadouts - 400,000 AD
Rename Tokens - 300,000 AD
Masquerade of Liars Event
In addition, a long awaited and much requested change is taking place to the Enchanted Broom resources in the Masquerade of Liars event this year
Enchanted Witch's Sash is now Bind to Account.
Gnarled Broomstick is now Bind to Account.
Handful of Enchanted Bristles is now Bind to Account.
In previous years, players have had to grind for these items on each character they have wanted the broom for. The Sash especially has a very low drop rate and quite often it drops on a player that already has the broom, so I think this will be a very welcome change this year.
Tarmalune Trade House Area in PE
The Tarmalune Trade House area has been redesigned to allow further construction in its area, in the future. The familiar decking we have all been used to in the past years is now all gone! It looks so much tidier. What are they going to build there now I wonder??
Ability Scores Window
The Ability Score layout is now more compact.
What do you think of these changes?? Let us know in the comments NOTE: The changes will come to console at a later date.