All platforms will undergo maintenance for the launch of Module 26: Demonweb Pits on Tuesday 18th July 2022, starting at
6am PDT/9am EDT/2pm GMT+1 UK for approx 4 hours downtime
Patch Notes are available:
Patch Notes: NW.295.20230620a.7
Campaign & Adventure Zone: Narbondellyn
The lesser House Fey-Branche has reluctantly come forward asking for assistance from the noble House Baenre as their house within the Narbondellyn has been destroyed. Something is amiss within the region, as messengers report seeing unexplainable magic not found in the realm of the Underdark. The new campaign will guide players as they continue assisting Jarlaxle and new allies through the Menzoberranzan neighborhood of Narbondellyn, attempting to unravel Lolth’s plans as she bides her time in her webs.
Further information can be found at Adventure in Narbondellyn Dev Blog.
New Dungeon: Demonweb Pits
The presence of Lolth inside the Narbondel has weakened the boundaries to the Abyss, causing its chaotic energies to warp the fabric of space and time. The only hope of returning order to Menzoberranzan is for the Heroes of Neverwinter to enter into the Narbondel and descend into The Demonweb Pits.
Further information can be found at Dare You Challenge a God? Dev Blog.
New Planar Panic Lockbox
In 1983, kids all over the world were captivated by a brand new story. After boarding a Dungeons and Dragons themed roller coaster, six friends were transported to the realm of Dungeons and Dragons, and given powerful magic items by an enigmatic Dungeon Master. The planned, but never produced, final episode of the show would have given the children the choice between returning home, or staying to face the evil that still existed in this magical realm. The Planar Panic lockbox gives you the opportunity to imagine: What if they’d chosen to stay?
Further information can be found at The Planar Panic Lockbox Blog.
New Battle Pass
Become the Protector of the Plane as you face the Chaos Between Realms, the newest Battle Pass starting on July 18. Progress through each of the three milestones as you complete random queues and participate in missions and Heroic Encounters!
Further information can be found at The Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass Dev Blog.
Learn about the development of a Battle Pass at [Dev Blog: First Timer’s Journey Making a Battle Pass].
Abyssal Hunts
Using the modifier system, new hunt experiences will allow players to further engage with the Demonweb Pits content. Participation will unlock over time and offer multiple levels of difficulty.
Further information on Hunts can be found at Join the Abyssal Hunts Dev Blog.
Hero’s Path
The new module also introduces the Hero’s Path Epic Adventures, providing long-term goals and compelling rewards for level 20 players.
Further information on Hero’s Path can be found at Walk the Hero’s Path Dev Blog.
Known Issues
Note: Several of these issues have been fixed internally and will be resolved in an upcoming patch.
In certain circumstances, Lolth does not perform her full combat rotation.
Characters are not consistently knocked upward in the air during the Lolth encounter.
Certain achievements for the dungeon can unlock without properly meeting the condition.
In certain circumstances, the “Miracle Crit” buff can be applied twice.
Gromph Companion's 'Hacking Fury' Causes On Screen Bushes and Grass to Flicker and Move.
Release Notes
Content and Environment
Infernal Citadel is once again available with a reworked Bone Devil fight.
Workshop - "The Grand Upgrade" Quest requirements have decreased to 2500000 South Sea Trading Company Credit, down from 5000000.
Lord Neverember’s text has been updated to match the VO after the completion of “An Audience with the Protector” quest.
Stronghold Siege - The quest “Triumphant Banners” now indicates that players can acquire Banners of the Fallen from the Stronghold Siege PvP event.
By decree of Alric Vallenhas, the campfire ring located at the central fireplace in the illustrious Vallenhas estate, has been repositioned to better fit the majesty of the ancestral fireplace.
Qinae, the Stalker in Northdark Reaches and the Shade of Catti-Brie in Menzoberranzan should no longer say Nasher Rebel callouts.
Additional dialogue, text, and audio fixes.
Campaigns and Adventures
The Path of the Fallen Campaign mission “A Friend In Need” should now better guide players to the right door.
Menzoberranzan – Fixed an issue where the weekly mission “Whispers in the Dark” would not progress if all players were not standing together in the waypoint.
Bryn Shander - Players should no longer get stuck on the last part of the “Hunting the Yeti” quest.
Cragmire Crypts
Players are no longer sometimes sent to an earlier campfire when wiping on Traven Blackdagger.
Fangbreaker Isle
Ewan Roald has been equipped with a more powerful ice-melting lantern.
For the tenacious adventurer not yet in need of respite, the Entrance/Exit to The Catacombs in Undermountain now indicates Leave the Area instead of Return to the Yawning Portal. The action and functionality of opening the Undermountain map remains the same.
Areas shown in the map for the quests Foulspawn Foothold and Warped Magic now display the proper radius of the viable quest area.
Combat and Powers
Classes: Bard
Improved Dancing Lights magnitude now deals 350 magnitude damage
Steel March's damage typing is now physical instead of projectile.
The following items can now be worn by Bard:
Elemental Tunic of the Eternal Flame
Elemental Mask of the Eternal Flame
Elemental Boots of the Eternal Flame
Elemental Gloves of the Eternal Flame
Elemental Gloves of the Howling Hatred
Elemental Boots of the Howling Hatred
Elemental Tunic of the Howling Hatred
Elemental Mask of the Howling Hatred
Elemental Armor of the Crushing Wave
Elemental Mask of the Crushing Wave
Elemental Boots of the Crushing Wave
Elemental Gloves of the Crushing Wave
Elemental Boots of the Black Earth
Elemental Mask of the Black Earth
Elemental Gloves of the Black Earth
Elemental Tunic of the Black Earth
Hammerstone Tunic
Hammerstone Mask
Hammerstone Boots
Hammerstone Gloves
Master Duelist's Boots
Master Duelist's Bracers
Master Duelist's Armor
Classes: Warlock
Warlock Creeping Death Feat
Creeping Death now deals damage when the player has a weapon without modifications equipped.
Creeping Death deals 10 Magnitude damage consistently.
Previously, the feat's magnitude would vary significantly based on damage/item level values. Sometimes much more than 10 Magnitude, sometimes much less.
We would appreciate feedback / data on how it performs after this fix, so we can balance the 'fixed' version to match it's rough prior performance in 'most' cases.
Note: We are aware of some additional sources not properly increasing the damage of Creeping Death and will be looking into this.
The Blaspheme Assassin's Faerie Fire ability will no longer cause bosses to glow pink, even though it still applies the debuff stats to bosses.
Healing Foci power now works on non-partied allies.
Butcher's Zeal power now states that it grants 10 AP instead of 1% AP.
Feast of Lanterns
Feast of Lanterns Zen Store Mounts now properly say they are "Reclaimable for each character, not tradable."
Gift of Tymora
Improved Healing and Rejuvenation Potion ranks.
Increased quality of refining gemstones dropped.
Added small chance for 3x Preservation Wards.
Professions resources drop slightly less frequently, while gemstones and rough astral diamonds drop slightly more frequently.
Midsummer Festival
Fireblossom Zealot has been added as an entry to Collections
The Waterskin items used in the Water Battle event during the Summer Festival now target the ground, rather than other players. This provides much better control when aiming at moving targets.
Summer Sahha Technique missions will now show up in the correct portion of the Journal.
The Midsummer Festival map has been properly set to lighting 2.0.
Summer Provisioning recipes no longer require a Summer Artisan and should be completable with regular artisans.
Hero's Feast Reworked - Now provides the same stat buff as a Grand Summer Feast to nearby players.
Piñata Update
Summer and Masquerade Piñatas now share a 15s cooldown and spawn rewards in the same consistent way.
Piñata rewards reworked:
Consumables are now relevant and based on your character's level
Gems are of much higher quality
Have a small chance to drop Preservation Wards
Have a chance to random drop rare (blue) insignias
Siege of Neverwinter
All players should now be able to see any Stronghold vouchers that have a chance to drop from event enemies.
Items and Economy
Price of the 72-slot Bag occasionally sold in the Wondrous Bazaar has been reduced to 300k Astral Diamonds, 225k for VIP.
Lolthian Vengeance has had a typo resolved in the name.
Epic Mount Collar Choice Pack: The version of this item that grants an account-bound collar is now properly Epic instead of Legendary.
Contents of the Magnificent Resurgence Lockbox and the Astral Lockbox have been updated. These changes also apply to existing unopened Astral and Magnificent Resurgence lockboxes that remain in player’s inventories from previous runs.
The Nightfire Dragonnel mount's location is now listed as "Lockboxes - Dragon Cult Lockbox" instead of "Lockboxes - Dragoncult"
Reaper's Marks now properly state in their tooltip that they have a cap of 400.
Stronghold PvP Store items now cost 500 marks, up from 100.
Dragon Glyph Overload enchantments now stack.
The Battlefield Medic Ensemble is no longer Unique.
The following items no longer hide transmutes used in that slot:
Tentacle Eye
Assassin's Choker
A Locket Most Fowl
Hypnotizing Pendant
Sanity Preservation Choker
Path of the Fallen
Genie's Gift exchanges added to Campaign Store.
Campaign now supports the creation and use of Signets of Patronage.
Reaper’s Challenge Vendor
The Reaper's Challenge Vendor no longer sells a pack of 10 Genie's Gifts.
The Reaper's Challenge Vendor now sells a Legendary Insignia Choice Pack for 5 Reaper's Marks.
Tarmalune Trade Bars
The cap for Trade Bars has been increased to 30,000, up from 20,000.
There is now a soft cap of 20,000, at or above which players may not open Lockboxes.
Developer note: The current hard cap of 20,000 has been converted to a soft cap.
If you are close to 20,000 and you open a lockbox that puts you over, you're allowed to overflow past 20,000 (rather than throwing error messages or preventing the open).
However, you won't be able to open new lockboxes until you've spent enough to get below 20,000.
Starting with the Planar Panic Lockbox, all lockbox opens grant between 10 and 18 Tarmalune Trade Bars. The "jackpot" entries are now 1/100 chance for 500 trade bars (was 1000 trade bars), 1/50 chance for 250 trade bars (was 500 trade bars), and 1/15 chance for 100 trade bars (was 125 trade bars).
For the number crunchers, average trade bars per open (over large numbers of opens) is now 30.70, down from 28.75, with 13.70 average from guaranteed trade bar gains, and 17.00 average from "jackpot" trade bar entries. This value is subject to change based on feedback and data.
Zen Market
Black Dragon Ioun Stone now correctly shows as Bind on Pickup in the Dragonborn Race Pack sold in the Zen Store.
Shared Bank Slots (8) in the Zen Store now properly shows you can buy up to 104 additional slots, not 88 total slots.
Menzoberranzan Enchantment Key Bundle is no longer in the Zen Market.
Umbral Key Bundle no longer shows as New and Featured. It will remain through the end of Demonweb Pits.
Pack of the Undying has (dearly) departed the Zen Market.
User Interface
An “Open 10” option has been added to openable items (packs, lockboxes, etc.). This option functions the same as Open Another except it does so for 10 items of the same type at a time. If you have less than 10 or insufficient keys, it will open the max number available.
The Leaps & Bounds event has been renamed to the more intuitive Earn Double Progress event and its description updated for further clarification.
The misalignment when an equipped VFX gem is missing from a loadout has been fixed.
A notation of “additional” has been added when an item upgrade requires more of that same item. A message in the tooltip will also indicate if you do not have enough of said item for the upgrade.
Fixed some layout issues when the Guild Bank window was resized to its minimum height.
Auction House
Collapsing a category in the Auction House will now clear the selected category and type. This will prompt the Search button to flash as a reminder to redo a search.
Character Select
The Replay Video option in the Login Screen is now also available in the Character Selection screen.
The tutorial window for the River District’s Reclaimed Resources now points to the proper location.
A button in the Defeat Window will now allow you to see all the damage dealt to you in the last 5 seconds before death as well as the timestamp and the source of each hit.
Empty reward displays below the PvP Scoreboard will now explicitly indicate if there were No Rewards. On Console, players can now navigate back to the Exit Arena button on the Scoreboard window.
Players can now discard from their inventory starter mounts purchased from the Adventurer’s Guild Mount Merchant, Brendon Carter. For players who already have these mounts, this will resolve the issue of having dupes take up space in their inventory. Players who accidentally discard the mount pack while learning to equip mounts can restart the dialogue with the vendor to obtain new rental tokens.
Setting a quest path will no longer override and uncheck quest priority.
Adjustments have been made to the Adventures section of the Journal to fix some art distortion.
Removed the reward display when the Adventure has been completed and the reward claimed to avoid confusion.
The ESC key in the Compose To field of the Mail interface will now properly close the Mail window after you have sent mail. Players can now also just start typing in that field without having to click on it first.
Professions & Workshop
Artisans can now be protected in the Professions Master Desk to avoid accidental deletion. The existing intentional dismissal options remain available.
The right-side detail area of a recipe in the Makers’ Counter and Dispatch Board now displays the amount of an item that you already have in your inventory for both normal and high quality.
Right clicking on a player in the Recently Played With list will now surface a menu with the same options (add Friends, etc.) as when right-clicking on players in Your Queue Group.
Added Create Chat Link options to item menus that didn’t already have it.
Character Art, Animation, and Effects
Adjusted settings for the Gelatinous Cube to better handle reflection in Lighting 2.0 environments.