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In-Game Acronyms/Abbreviations


  • ADAstral Diamonds

  • Adv - Adventure

  • AH - Auction House/Tarmalune Trade House

  • AoEArea of Effect

  • APAction Points

  • APE - Used to describe the Epic Demonic Summoning in Avernus. The demon, a Soul-Infused Barlgura.

  • BHE - Big Heroic Encounter – often used to describe the Major Heroic Encounters.

  • BiS - Best in Slot (Colloquially referring to Encounter powers, Enchantments, Artifacts, Gears etc.)

  • BI Black Ice

  • BtA - Binds to Account. You can't put it on the Auction House, but you can move it between your characters, mail it to yourself and deposit in the Shared Bank

  • BoE - Binds on Equip. Tradeable. You can pass it between your characters or resell it, up to when your character wears or uses some aspect of it. Once an item is equipped it then becomes BtC.

  • BoP - Binds on Pickup - As soon as your character picks it up, it's staying with them until you sell (for Gold where available, not trade), use or discard it.

  • BtC – Bound to Character

  • CTA - Call to Arms - a special version of existing skirmishes, typically with other special rewards attached to it

  • DD Dungeon Delves

  • DF – Dragonflight – Stronghold Event

  • DoT - Damage Over Time

  • DPS Damage per Second

  • EAdv – Epic Adventure

  • GG (gg)/GGs - Good Game or Good Going

  • HE Heroic Encounter, timed events where a group of 5+ players is suggested for completion

  • HoT - Heal Over Time

  • HPS - Heals Per Second

  • ICD - Internal Cool Down (time)

  • IL Item Level

  • INV/+ (Playstation - 'UP'/X)- Invite (to group, party or queue)

  • LF – Looking for

  • LFG - Looking for Group

  • M/Mod - Module

  • NPC - Non-Player Character

  • NW Neverwinter (Game; Official Acronym)

  • OP - Overpowered or, when in relation to forum posts, Original Poster (Can also refer to the Paladin Class, formerly (pre-Mod 16) called Oathbound Paladin)

  • PE - Protector's Enclave

  • PVE - person versus environment or player versus environment

  • PVP - person versus person -or- player versus player

  • PUG - Pick up group, indicating groups created by random queue. Also used to indicate a team missing 1 or more components and accessing the queue to complete the team.

  • PWEPerfect World Entertainment (Company)

  • PWI Perfect World International (Game)

  • RAD Rough Astral Diamonds

  • RP Refinement Points

  • RNG - Random Number Generator – A term used to explain the chance of an item dropping from lockboxes or elsewhere in the game.

  • RNGesus – Player imagined God of RNG

  • SH Stronghold

  • WAI - Working as Intended

  • WTT - Willing to Trade

  • ZAX/ADX Zen to AD Exchange


Class Related

  • Wiz or CW – Wizard (Pre-Mod 16 known as Control Wizard)

  • Barb/Barbie/GWF – Barbarian (Pre-Mod 16 Known as Great Weapon Fighter)

  • FTR/FT/GF – Fighter (Pre-Mod 16 known as Guardian Fighter)

  • Pally/Pal/OP – Paladin (Pre-Mod 16 known as Oathbound Paladin)

  • Hunter/HR/RGR/RR – Ranger Pre-Mod 16 known as Hunter Ranger)

  • Trickster/TR/ROG/RG – Rogue (Pre-Mod 16 known as Trickster Rogue)

  • Scourge/SW/Lock/Locky/WRK/WL – Warlock (Pre-Mod 16 known as Scourge Warlock)

  • DC – Cleric (Pre-Mod 16 known as Devoted Cleric)

  • BRD – Bard



  • AoE – Area of Effect

  • AP – Action Points

  • ArP/ArmP – Armor Penetration

  • CD – Cooldown

  • ICD - Internal Cooldown

  • CA – Combat Advantage


  • CS/Crit Strike – Critical Strike


  • Crit Avoid – Crit Avoidance

  • Crit Sev – Critical Severity

  • Def – Defense

  • DS – Deflect Severity

  • HP – Hit Points

  • ICH - Incoming Healing

  • OGH – Outgoing Healing

  • MDB – Magical Damage Boost

  • MP – Mount Power or Mana Points (Mana = Soulweave/Divinity/Performance)

  • Movement – Movement Speed

  • PDB – Physical Damage Boost

  • Regen – Regeneration

  • Stamina Regen – Stamina Regeneration



  • CC – Cragmire Crypts

  • CN - Castle Never

  • CoDG - Cradle of the Death God

  • CT - Cloak Tower

  • CR/CRL - Castle Ravenloft

  • Demo – Demogorgon

  • DL – Dread Legion Skirmish

  • E** - Epic (When placed in front of another Dungeon abbreviation denoted the epic version of that content eg ELoL - Epic Lair of Lostmauth)

  • FBI - Fangbreaker Island

  • FH - Frozen Heart

  • GWD - Grey Wolf Den

  • HC – Hardcore (Denoting Hardcore version of a dungeon)

  • IC – Infernal Citadel

  • IG/MWL – Illusionist’s Gambit/Mad Wizards Lair Skirmish

  • KR/Kessel’s - Kessel's Retreat

  • LoL - Lair of Lostmauth

  • LoMM – Lair of the Mad Mage

  • MC - Malabog's Castle

  • MoTH – Master of the Hunt Skirmish

  • PoM/Prophecy – Prophecy of Madness Skirmish

  • Q – Queue used with RED/RT most commonly REDQ/RTQ

  • RED - Random Epic Dungeon

  • RT – Random Trial

  • SC/SP - Spellplague Caverns

  • SoT/Shores - Shores of Tuern

  • ​

  • SVA - Assault on Svardborg Trial

  • Tia – Rise of Tiamat Trial

  • ToDG/Thrones – Throne of the Dwarven Gods Skirmish

  • ToMM – Tower of the Mad Mage Trial

  • ToS - Temple of the Spider

  • T9/Tong - Tomb of the Nine Gods

  • VoS – Vault of Stars

  • VT - Valindra's Tower

  • Zariel/MZ/MZC/ZM/ZMC (BBZ/BBZC/BZ/BZC/NZC) – Master Zariel (& Standard (Baby) Zariel)


Equipment Gear & Items



  • Insig(s) – Mount Insignia(s)

  • Runes – Runestones

  • CG – Companion Gear

  • Comp(s) – Companion(s)

  • Pet(s) – Vanity Pet(s)


  • Knives – Wyvern Venom-Coated Knives

  • Sceptre – Halaster’s Blast Sceptre

  • Charm – Charm of the Serpent

  • Token – Token of Chromatic Storm

  • Staff – Staff of Flowers

  • Journal(s) – Storytellers Journals from Tales of Old Event


  • Rib Cage – Bone Devil’s Ribcage (Avernus Nightspine Hunt drop)

  • Whisper Hood – Whisper Hood of Quiet (Avernus Nightspine Hunt drop)

  • Skyblazers – Helm of the Skyblazer (Avernus Nightspine Hunt drop)

  • Power Shirt – Shirt of Hells Interrogator/Upper Pact Brands of the Inferno (Avernus Nightspine Hunt drops)


  • LH – Lionheart

  • MW/Masterwork – Refers to the weapons that can be crafted in high level Mastercrafting

Zone/Campaign Related



  • Chain Farm – Farming for Gore Covered Chains (Hunt Lure Piece)

  • T1/T2/T3 - Refers to Hunts and their Tier


Echoes of Prophecy

  • EOP - Echoes of Prophecy

DR - Dread Ring

  • Fortress – Phantasmal Fortress

  • Spire – Dread Spire

  • Forge – Dread Forge

Caer Konig

  • DV – Dwarven Valley

  • IWD – Icewind Dale

  • IWP – Icewind Pass (PvP)

RD - River District

  • Ship – Treasure Ship Major Heroic Encounter

  • RE - Ritual Encounter (Minor Heroic Encounter)


  • GGE – Go Get em Granny Major Heroic Encounter (Dark Fey Mire)

  • SA – Shadow Army Major Heroic Encounter (Ruins of Malabog)

  • WN – Waking Nightmare’s Majors Heroic Encounter (Mended Grove)

SH – Stronghold

  • Beasts – Beast Attack! Minor HE

  • Beholders – Bickering Beholders Major HE

  • Devils – Devil Attack! Minor HE

  • GH – Guild Hall

  • Giants – Giants Amongst the Dead Major HE

  • Inf/Influ – Influence

  • Pit Fiends – No Sympathy Major HE

  • SHE – Stronghold Heroic Encounters

ToD - Tyranny of Dragons & WoD – Well of Dragons

  • CP – Cult Prison

  • Dragon Run – Heralds Dragon Event starting at 45 mins past every hour

  • DP – Drake Pens

  • TMS – Thayan Magical Shelter

Underdark/Maze Engine

  • Baph – Ballad of Baphomet Weekly Quest

  • PoM/Prophecy – Prophecy of Madness

  • ToDG/Thrones – Throne of the Dwarven Gods

Undermountain & Stardock

  • FE – Fragment Expeditions

  • ME – Master Expedition

  • WE – Warden Expedition

  • RE – Runic Encounter


  • Ape – Demonic Summoning Major HE in Avernus. The demon, a Soul-Infused Barlgura, appears as a large gorilla.

  • Bel - Rage of Bell Fight

  • INS - Insurgencies

  • SE – Devil’s Siege Major HE

Last update: 10th September 2021

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