All platforms will undergo maintenance on Tuesday 25th July 2023, for approx 2 hours downtime, starting at
#NWPC 6.30am PDT/9.30am EDT/2.30pm GMT+1
#NWXbox #NeverwinterPS 7am PDT/10am EDT/3pm GMT+1
Patch notes are available:
Patch Notes: NW.295.20230620a.9
Release Notes
Content and Environment
The Hero's Path Item Level missions should now immediately update when upgrading/refining items instead of requiring relogging.
Players with the teleportation stone set to the Narbondellyn monolith will now properly teleport to that monolith.
Campaigns & Adventures
Well of Dragons – For the quest “Skin and Bones”, the interact text on Dragon Bone carts has been updated to be singular instead of plural.
Demonweb Pits Dungeon
Lolth should now be consistently aggroed to the characters in the Demonweb Pits during her encounter.
Lolth should no longer stop attacking in certain circumstances.
Lolth's Web Blast should now deal more damage.
Lolth's Web Blast remaining poisoned webs should now consistently deal damage.
Divine Blast should now properly defeat players in certain circumstances.
The tilting on the arena should now knock characters into the air even when characters are dodging or blocking.
Venomous Burst now deals 20% of the God Weapon’s HP in damage when the explosion effect triggers, down from 50%.
Commander Sikasila no longer gives the "eye" buff to all players in Master Mode. Only one player is supposed to receive this buff.
Commander Sikasila's debuff now properly drops at the end of the encounter.
The No Hex Achievement no longer should be granted when a player is struck with the Hellish Hex Debuff in the Gromph Baenre encounter.
The No Spider Deaths achievement no longer should be granted when killing spiders in the Lolth encounter.
Future Events
Masquerade of Liars – Missions from this event should now be displayed under the journal category for Protector's Enclave.
Gray Wolf Den (Story Instance)
Packmaster Zayev's pack has been reduced due to a severe case of the mange. New adventurers should find the encounter a bit easier than before.
The hole in the wall in the area past Zayev's door has been patched with a large boulder.
The final campfire in the den has been moved slightly to help encourage people from tripping over it. It also no longer requires starting the entrance corral to activate.
Combat and Powers
The Miracle Crit power can no longer stack.
The Protector's Hand mount can no longer be triggered incorrectly under certain circumstances.
Items and Economy
Prototype Realm Engine now properly gives its stated 15% campaign currency bonus in Demonweb Pits content.
The Crafted Spiked Neck and Waist Set from Menzoberranzan Masterwork now has the following stats:
Neck: +3Dex, +3 CHA
Waist: +6 WIS
The Sniper's Perk and Swordsman's Perk power should no longer stack. The tooltips for those powers have been improved.
A small graphical issue on the hands of the Vigilante's Tunic when worn by Dragonborn has been resolved.
Zen Market
Chaos Between Realms Premium Pass – The functional text at the end of this purchase's description now properly references the Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass instead of the Precipice of War Battle Pass.
The Dragonslayer Campaign buyout now properly appears in the "New" and "Featured" categories of the Zen Market.