#NWXbox & #NeverwinterPS will undergo maintenance on Tuesday 30th May 2023, starting at
7am PDT/10am EDT/3pm GMT+1 UK for approx 2 hours downtime
Patch Notes are available:
Patch Notes: NW.290.20230424a.6
Release Notes
Content and Environment
Cliffs of the Starless Sky
• Fixed an issue that prevented the golden path from leading you to the exit during the repeatable version of the instance.
• Updated some prop placements
• Increase lighting in zone areas
Enemies and Encounters
Gzemnid’s Reliquary
• The effects of Permafrost should now clear from players after defeating either Halaster or Storvald during the Hallucination Phase of the Gzemnid's Reliquary Trial.
Combat and Powers
• Alchemist Experimenter
○ Damage and Healing output substantially increased.
○ Area for multi-target flasks increased.
○ Rebalanced as a Hybrid-Heal companion.
• Celeste
○ Celeste now uses her Sunburst and Flamestrike powers more consistently
• Cyclops War Drummer
○ We're making a small tweak to reduce the broad damage potential of the Cyclops War Drummer. We like that he's a powerful
support companion, but we've shifted some of his damage from Repercussion to Bash, which should lower his damage ceiling
while raising his damage floor. We'll continue to monitor his performance to ensure he doesn't crowd out the rest of the
companion space.
○ Decreased damage scaling on Repercussion.
○ Increased damage scaling on Bash.
• Golem Companions
○ Crystalline Golem
□ Dazing First no longer displays a 'red splat' when used.
□ Small balance updates as a Hybrid companion (again) due to technical changes. required for above fix.
○ Pewter Golem
□ Crushing Whirl can be used much earlier in combat.
□ Crushing Whirl area increased.
□ Rebalanced as a Hybrid companion.
○ Iron Golem
□ Dazing Fist area increased.
□ Nonfunctioning passive replaced with Golem Charge power.
□ Rebalanced as a Hybrid companion.
○ Rimefire Golem
□ Nonfunctioning passive replaced with Golem Charge power.
□ Rimefire Unleashed now occurs less frequently, but deals more damage and applies a slow for 5s.
□ Rimefire Unleashed area increased.
□ Rebalanced as Hybrid companion.
• Lizardfolk Shaman
○ Marsh Blessing can hit more targets.
○ Rebalanced as a Single-Target Heal companion.
• Minotaur Mercenary
○ Fixed a bug that was causing the Igneous Skin power from the Minotaur Mercenary companion to give 1500 item level instead of
• Phase Spider
○ Bite renamed to Pounce and description clarified that it hits multiple targets. The functionality remains unchanged.
○ Planar Venom now only applies to Pounce, but Pounce always applies the poison for 4s.
○ Rebalanced as a Hybrid companion.
• Portobello DaVinci
○ The account-wide reclaim of the Portobello DaVinci companion now properly grants the companion bonus: "Advantage
Nullification", rather than "Precision Breaker".
• Werewolf
○ Slash hit arc and damage improved.
○ Lycanthropy works (once again) on low-rank humanoid enemies.
○ Bloodthirst now applies +10% Critical Strike to the summoner when Lycanthropy is active.
○ Rebalanced as a Multi-Target companion.
Items and Economy
• Icewind Dale Campaign: Bag of Icewind Wealth (purchased with Genie's Gifts) now give Caer-Konig Reputation.
User Interface
• Fixed a typo in Feral Velociraptor name.
• Raptor Companions Buff Display
○ Raptor companions (Tamed, Feral) now display an icon for buff stacks received from other players. Note this means the max stack is
x4, as the displays shows stacks from other players (and not your own)
#NWXbox #NeverwinterPS #Maintenance #PatchNotes #M25