I saw this shiny new forum here and thought I'd step in and listen to the echo...echo... echo... So what's everyone focused on for these lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer? (Or winter for our Aussie, Kiwi, and South American friends.) Personally, I have some alts who are still working their way through various campaigns, so I do that when there's time. Of course, my many "mains" also need to do their weekly legacy grinds for Sybella, plus I need to farm various currencies to level my stronghold. I'm currently almost to GH9, but "almost" is relative. I've likely got at least another month, or longer if I'm distracted by new content. I'm kind of looking forward to the bard for something new to mess with, but honestly I've been waiting 6-8 years for a druid so it's still a little unfulfilling. What are you working on?
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so every year theres always that one guy that is try'n to swipe your flax O.o i wunna tie string to the flax so when ee goes to grab it i yank the flax away and again an again :-) i get a kick outta that lolol that or open pvp button i could thump him lol
am full on recruit mode again and sahha ball mania O.o fall asleep at night and dream of flax everywhere its rainin petals of flax from the skys lol :-)
"game is good" just wish we had some new stuff to run but i've been playin forever so i cant complain
We have a dedicated M21 Thread if you want to post the above there https://www.nw4noobs.com/forum/pve-adventures-campaigns/mod-21-thread
If you recall on the roadmap from last year... they planned to have a 'Fastrack to Endgame'
If they're going to get rid of all of that content, they should change the name to Neverwinter: Endgame and just call it like it is. People skipping that content isn't a reason to remove it, IMO. It constituted a lot of the game's flavor and storyline, and to the extent that there's any story left it's now disjointed and in places just broken. Like I said, I think they're making a huge mistake, and that seems to be the overwhelming consensus of the feedback I've seen in-game and elsewhere, but short of winning the lottery and buying the company, I don't see much hope it'll change. As I posted in the official forums, no MMO developer has ever said "The problem with our game is too much quality content." Until now.
The areas that were removed are very old, and the devs that codes them, are long gone from Cryptic. So thats added to the list of reasons they 'vaulted' those zones. Personally, I am pretty happy to see them gone. Many players skipped those areas during levelling anyway.
Great to have you here Mike!! I am working on so much right now on both #NWPC & #NWXbox, if I wrote it all out, it would take an age haha. Have you had chance to jump on Preview yet and try the Bard out? I love the class already ^Ennileah/Leanne